The other day in-between shifts at work, I sat in the office and opened a cookery book laying on the desk by Anton Mosiman. Of cause I had heard of Mosiman, but must admit I have never taken the time to learn much about him or his style of food. Oh- what I have missed! For I was about to discover, not just a very talented chef (that in itself would have been enough), but a great mind.
He writes, 'to prepare a meal carefully, with the best ingredients and only the well being of your guest in mind, is to give them a special gift- not only the gift of a memorable experience, but...and this is the moment my eyes widened...but also the gift of life' (italics added for emphasis).
'food is the sustainer of life'
I had never conceived, as a chef, that I was offering such a gift. Mosiman goes on to explain this giant statement and to elighten us further. Afterall, at the basic level, we eat food to stay alive, to sustain life. Indeed eating good food has become a human pleasure, but essentially we eat, not because we feel it might be nice, we eat because we have to. It this under-lying principle, that food sustains life, that the cook becomes to a certain degree a giver of life.
Mosiman went on to talk about his development of 'cuisine naturelle', an extension of these thoughts and ideas. However, I do not want to go in to this detail right now, as it may distract from this definitive moment. I sat in my kitchen whites, at the desk, pouring my self over these thoughts and scribbling hurried notes.
In my mind played the words again..'To prepare a meal carefully..is to give a special gift..the gift of a memorable meal..the gift of life...'.
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